Session #41: Take a trek outta jail

GM : Logan

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Date : 03 Feb 2019 05:00

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Job Link : [[[]]]

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Session Summary :

So the goal was to bust Farima out of Not Jail against her will! Rain wanted to try something, something about using a token her mother gave her that is definitely a nobility seal but none of us rolled high enough to know more than that. And if it didn't work well we'd go back to the old plan of knocking heads! So she grabbed Njonja and Thom for backup and demanded to have Farima. After reasonable resistance she showed Chevalier DeCroix the seal, a small golden owl, and then there was this long drawn out sequence of Rain not providing any details on how she got it, who she got it from, and her relationship to them, partly because Rain is stubborn but mostly cause she forgot, even though she told us five minutes ago XD we got through all that and we learned this: Rain's mom eloped with Blacksmoke (Rains dad) at some point, is some form of wanted, and DeCroix is an old friend of hers. Rain was warned that the seal worked for him, but it was not a good idea using it on other people cause that might just get her and all her companions arrested. And uh… we walked out the front door with Farima tied up in a sack. Thom took her place for the execution and they pulled some illusions to get him out. Cause they'd done this before. Yay diplomacy!

Back with Raz, we interrogated Farima and uh… wow. First, she and Raz came from Eugene Deviller's mansion, same as Tali, both now having a bond with an outsider of some kind. There was another guy, a tabaxi named Darren. He was bound to a demon. And probably a nasty one! I think she called it a nightmare. Uh… so wherever the demon was, I'm not sure if they started the escape or took it as an opportunity, but Farima killed Darren and offered his soul to the demon, which is what made the demon bug nest we have to go deal with. And that's what Farima was planning to do here! Die, surrender her soul, and open a gate to the Abyss in the middle of a population center! So uh.. That went over well with the squad. Not. We (Njonja) KO’d Farima cause she was tired of listening to her shit. We talked to Raz about the layout of the mansion, then he grabbed Farima and ran off to Fortemps to get Thaddeus. He said he was really fast and he was right! We met him in the morning! And he gave us a staff with a couple charges that lets us teleport between storms! So we're just gonna bamf over to Lieuxxere next time! Also Logan asked all of us to DM him what our character's greatest fears are which is fine! Promise!

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